
Monday, August 5, 2013

College Freshmen Tips

Time has really flown by since the start of my college career. I really plan to use this blog to talk about what this school year has to offer.  As an overview I would like to set some goals for myself just to see if I can reach them.

  • Study abroad
  • Get on the Deans List
  • Continue to work full time during the fall semester
  • Join a church
  • Have a savings account with some money in it
I have a few quick tips for those of you who will be freshmen this year.  When I was a freshman it would have been great to have some of these told to me.  The number one tip would be to GET INVOLVED!!! I can not stress this enough. Even if you are an introverted person, the first two weeks of school you need to jump out of your comfort zone!

The first two weeks of college define your friend group and help you branch out. As freshmen everyone is trying to meet new people, take advantage of this!

I also can not stress enough to take your academics seriously.  While making new friends and experiencing all of the social aspects of college are important, letting your grades slip is the number one thing that will limit you in school.  Take it from someone who found out the hard way, college is a much smoother ride if you just keep up with your work.  You may have to miss a party or two but this is much better than getting kicked out of school and having to work twice as hard to get back in.

My final tip is to invest in a GOOD backpack.  I personally use a North Face one that I got my freshman year and it is in perfect condition to this day (three years later).  Your backpack becomes your new best friend. You will now be walking to class so if you told me you could only buy one thing for college, this would for sure be it!

Really planning to make my junior year a memorable one! I hope all of you are as well. Leave a comment with suggestions on posts related to college and I will be sure to answer!

Until next time!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

How to make moving less stressful

Well hello there,

It is so strange to be sitting behind a computer starting a blog from nothing.  I have been following them for so long that it seems like something other people do rather than myself.  For a first post I think I will start with something I think everyone is familiar with.  MOVING!  Being in college it is as if moving is something we do all the time.  I have found myself moving house three different times in the last month because of lease issues.  Finding places to keep your stuff while being a broke college student can be tough. My roommates and I ended up with our things piled in a friends living room for the summer. Always quick to find what you need...or not.  On a good note, we will be finally in our new apartment and ready to move on with our lives in the near future.  Does anyone have any good tips for how to pack? I can't seem to find a way that doesn't end up with all of my stuff just thrown into boxes. Could this just be normal and I just think its strange? There must be more method to the madness. My type A personality just isn't okay with all of this LOL.  A few things I have found to be helpful with the move would be number one: LABELING boxes ( I can not tell you how nice it has been to know what boxes are clearly not what I am looking for!) and number two: Smaller boxes.  You would think that just getting everything into big boxes would get the job done faster, but I find that the smaller boxes make it so there is less room for thing to break! Thank goodness.

Pictures to come of the "final" moving process into our new place.  A much anticipated event if I do say so myself. ; )